Tour Packages to Kashmir from Pune
Do you need Kashmir holiday packages from Pune? Stop searching because Kashmir tour packages from Pune at Kashmir Tour Travel are the best option for you. For every type of visitor, Kashmir Tour Travel offers a large selection of personalizedKashmir travel packages from Pune. Select one of ourtour packages to Kashmir from Pune from our selection to take advantage of great offers and savings. You may book, pay, and receive fast confirmations online with Kashmir Tour Travel. With flights included or not, Kashmir Tour Travel offers travel packages to Kashmir from Punestarting at little Rs 5999. If you're looking at family holiday packages to Kashmir from Pune, organizing a Kashmir honeymoon, or simply seeking for a weekend break to Kashmir from Pune with your friends, you'll discover the ideal travel option here.
Travel to Kashmir from Pune
Tour operator in Kashmir makes sure that your schedule includes all of the most important Kashmir sites by carefully selecting the sightseeing and suggested activities. To further personalize your Kashmir tours from Pune, you can choose from a variety of additional tours and activities in and near Kashmir. In order to make it simple for you to choose the right kind of tour to Kashmir from Pune, Kashmir Tour Travel also conveniently groups their Pune to Kashmir travel packages by subject. You'll find the ideal holiday to Kashmir from Punewith Kashmir Tour Travel, whether you're planning an action-packed holiday, a laid-back trip, a road trip with friends, or a romantic weekend with your significant other. Check out the luxurious Pune to Kashmir tour packages that Kashmir Tour Travel has hand-picked from Pune to Kashmir, complete with the finest hotels and its guaranteed services.
Book Tour Packages to Kashmir from Pune
With Kashmir Tour Travel, you can book Kashmir packages from Puneand enjoy a delightful vacation. You can get Pune to Kashmir packages atKashmir Tour Travel and take advantage of incredible offers and savings. The Kashmir vacation packages from Pune offered by Kashmir Tour Travel are adaptable and can be tailored to the demands of any type of traveller.
How to travel to Kashmir from Pune
By Air
The Srinagar International Airport may be the quickest option to get to the valley even though Kashmir doesn't have its own airport. From Kashmir, it is only 14 miles away. Pune International Airport to Srinagar International Airport direct flights run frequently, taking just 5 hours to complete the 2372 km distance. You can take a cab or bus to Kashmir without any problem after stepping off the airport.
By Train
When travelling with friends or family, a train trip can be enjoyable. If you research into Kashmir trip packages from Pune beforehand, travelling by train can also be economical while still providing you time to bond. By taking a train to Jammu Tawi Railway Station, which is the closest station, you can travel to Kashmir. Pune Junction Railway Station and Jammu Tawi Railway Station are connected by the Jhelum Express. Jammu can be reached by train in just under 41 hours. The remaining 330 km from Jammu to Kashmir can be travelled by bus or cab. If the lengthy train trip sounds tiresome, you can fly from Pune to Delhi and then board a train to Jammu from the New Delhi railway station.
By Road
Roads that are well-maintained by the Jammu Kashmir State Road Transport Corporation make it simple for visitors to reach Kashmir by car as well. From Pune, you can fly to Srinagar, or you could take the train to Jammu. You can use a private or public bus to finish the rest of your journey. It's the ideal road trip because of the ever-changing landscape of imposing snow-covered mountains and the refreshing breeze.
So, Book your Kashmir package Now!
FAQ’s for Pune to Kashmir Packages
Q1. How would one fly to Kashmir?
Srinagar Airport is the closest to Kashmir. Only 14 km away, the airport is conveniently connected to all major cities and is used by the majority of airlines. You can take a direct flight to Srinagar and then take a bus or a private vehicle to get to Kashmir.
Q2. What is Kashmir well-known for?
The exceedingly thin but warm pashmina shawls from Kashmir are well-known around the world. This piece is valued and cherished by women and men everywhere.
Q3. Which locations in Kashmir are ideal for a honeymoon getaway?
The best locations for a honeymoon getaway include Sri Nagar, Gulmarg, and Pahalgam.
Q4. How much does a trip of Kashmir cost?
Your Kashmir tour's price will vary depending on a variety of elements, such as accommodations, duration, activities, and more. For a six-day trip with a three-star hotel, budget close to INR 12,999 in total. However, a 9-day tour might run you about INR 80,000.