Tour Packages to Kashmir from Kannur
Do you need Kashmir tour packages from Kannur? Stop searching because Kashmir holiday packages from Kannur at Kashmir Tour Travel are the best option for you. You can customize a variety of Kashmir travel packages from Kannur on Kashmir Tour Travel to suit your travel needs. You may book, pay, and receive fast confirmations online with Kashmir Tour Travel.
Holiday packages to Kashmir from Kannur on Kashmir Tour Travel start at little Rs. 5999. If you're looking at family travel packages to Kashmir from Kannur, organizing a Kashmir honeymoon, or simply looking for a weekend break to Kashmir from Kannur with your pals, you'll discover the ideal travel option here.
Book Tour Packages to Kashmir from Kannur
Kashmir Tour Travel makes sure that your schedule includes all of the most important Kashmir sites by carefully selecting the sightseeing and suggested activities. To further personalize your tour to Kashmir from Kannur, you can choose from a variety of additional tours and activities in and near Kashmir.
You'll find the ideal holiday to Kashmir from Kannur with Kashmir Tour Travel one of the leading tour operators in Kashmir, whether you're planning an action-packed holiday, a laid-back trip, a road trip with friends, or a romantic weekend with your significant other. Check out the luxurious Kashmir packages from Kannur that Kashmir Tour Travel has hand-picked, from Kannur to Kashmir, along with its guaranteed services and the finest luxury accommodations.
Things To Do In Kashmir tours from Kannur
Shikara Ride
If you didn't board a Shikara for a journey that you will always remember, did you even go on a trip to Kashmir? Well, everyone is aware of the solution. In the current era, taking a shikara ride in Kashmir is a must. A Shikara ride is a common activity of our Kannur to Kashmir tour packages.
Skiing is without a doubt one of the most well-liked activities to engage in in Kashmir, where snow-capped mountains can be found all across the region. When you visit Kashmir with one of our Kashmir vacation packages, skiing will undoubtedly add heat to the cold surroundings by giving you a much-needed adrenaline boost. Adventure travelers who choose our Kannur to Kashmir tours frequently choose skiing as one of their favorite activities.
Just picture a campfire with you and your companions gathered around it, dancing under the night sky's bright stars. Does living that dream sound appealing to you? You're in for a treat, though, since one of our Kannur to Kashmir packages gives you the chance to make your fantasy come true. With our Kashmir vacation packages, you can combine relaxation with a dash of adventure since you must hike to reach some of the camping places, which are recognized for being among the best in not only India but the entire globe.
Our Kashmir holiday packages from Kannur make sure that you experience adventure in the crown state in addition to its unrivalled beauty and poetry, and there is no activity that provides a greater sense of adrenaline than trekking. The unmatched beauty you get to experience when trekking in Kashmir makes the experience even more unique.
For endless delight, embark on a shopping spree for pashmina shawls, genuine handicrafts, jewellery, and more. You just cannot skip out on a necessary shopping trip to bring back some necessary gifts that you'll treasure for a lifetime when travelling to Kashmir with one of our Kashmir tour packages.
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FAQ’s for Kannur to Kashmir Packages
Q1. Which month is good to travel to Kashmir from Kannur?
'Heaven on Earth' Since Kashmir is a year-round tourist attraction and visitors come from all over the world to see its beauty, many Kashmir tour packages have been developed to allow visitors to come at any time. Though tourism in Kashmir is active throughout the year, we strongly advise visiting Kashmir from March to August because the summer months have more agreeable weather than other Indian states.
Q2. How many days are sufficient for Kashmir?
A journey of Kashmir should last seven nights and eight days so that you can visit Srinagar, Gulmarg, and Pahalgam, among other important sites. The amount of persons travelling, the locations being explored, and any special occasions will all affect how long the Kashmir tour takes. Other than that, 5 nights and 6 days is the suggested time frame for Kashmir honeymoon programmes. Check out our Kashmir vacation packages for additional information before selecting the one that best matches your needs.
Q3. How much would a vacation to Kashmir cost?
The typical price range for a Kashmir vacation package is between INR 25,000 and INR 30,000. The price of a Kashmir vacation package often varies on a wide range of variables, including the number of travellers, the dates of travel, the activities planned, and a variety of other incidental expenses.
Q4. Which month in Kashmir has snowfall?
In Kashmir, snowfall occurs in December and January, when the temperature drops to between -2 and -6 degrees Celsius. Check out our winter Kashmir tour package if you wish to see and experience the snowfall there.