Tour Packages to Kashmir from Bangalore
Are you searching for Kashmir tour packages from Bangalore? There is no need to search further; Kashmir Tour Travel's Kashmir holiday packages from Bangalore are the best option. Whether you're looking at family travel packages to Kashmir from Bangalore, planning a Kashmir honeymoon, or just looking for a weekend getaway to Kashmir from Bangalore with your friends, you'll discover the perfect travel choice here.
Kashmir Tour Travel Bangalore to Kashmir tour packages are simply broken down by theme so you can select the right one. You'll find the ideal Kashmir tours from Bangalore with Kashmir Tour Travel, whether you're planning an action-packed holiday, a laid-back trip, a road trip with friends, or a romantic weekend with your significant other.
Holiday Packages to Kashmir from Bangalore
You will be pleased with the breathtaking vistas as soon as you reach here. The Dal Lake is a very well-liked location in this area where you may take pleasure in riding on traditional shikaras and taking in the sights of floating residences on the water. You can incorporate a houseboat excursion in your Kashmir tour package from Bangalore if you'd want to enjoy your stay there as well. It can be a lovely experience. You could also participate in trekking and various other water activities.
You might take pleasure in camping on the lovely Pangong Lake or sampling the regional cuisine. Visit the City Square Mall for a stroll or to shop in Hari market. The view of the snow-covered Himalayan peaks from the snow perspective is another thing to be admired. Because of this, Kashmir Tour Travel's Kashmir travel packages from Bangalore guarantee to be unlike anything else. If you're wanting to travel with your family or your significant other, do it all with Kashmir Tour Travel. Let us create an unforgettable experience just for you.
Ideal Duration for Bangalore to Kashmir tours
There is a lot to see and do in Kashmir, one of the most well-liked tourist locations in the entire nation. All the key locations may be covered in the appropriate time frame of four to five days. You can even choose Kashmir packages from Bangalore if you want to make it a more affordable trip. You have the opportunity to save money now.
Best Time To travel to Kashmir from Bangalore
The temperature will range from 10 to 30 degrees here. You may view a wide variety of blooms in the summer, and the area has never been overly hot. If you visit in April or May, you can take advantage of the various flower and festival displays.
The winter season lasts from October to March, and if you're lucky, you might see some snow. Whether you intend to explore outside or sit in a room, bring heavy woollens.
Locations to Visit in Holiday Packages to Kashmir from Bangalore
Kupwara is a district in the Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir. It is located in the northwest of the state and is well-known for its breathtaking natural landscape, which includes thick woods, winding mountains, and beautiful lakes.
A charming town in Kashmir called Gulmarg is renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty, which includes lush flora and snow-capped mountains. Because it is recognized as one of India's most beautiful cities, not just in Kashmir, it is usually included in specialized vacation packages.
The city of Anantnag is situated in the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir in northern India. It is situated on the Jhelum River, north of the PirPanjal Range, some 50 kilometers (30 miles) southeast of Srinagar.
Poonch is frequently referred to as "Kashmir-e-Sageer" or "Mini Kashmir" due to its resemblance to the greater province of Kashmir in terms of natural beauty, climate, and geology.
The Amarnath Temple, popularly known as the holy shrine of Amarnath Ji, is located around 29 kilometres from Pahalgam at a height of roughly 3,888 metres. The temple is home to a Shiva Lingam, a phallus-shaped ice sculpture regarded as the most sacred object by Hindus all over the world.
With its numerous tourist attractions, Pahalgam, popularly known as the "Valley of Shepherds," draws tourists from near and far. Pahalgam, which is surrounded by thick pine trees, stunning vistas of hills, and snow-capped Himalayan ranges, is situated at the confluence of the Lidder River and Sheshnag Lake.
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FAQ’s for Bangalore to Kashmir packages
Q1. What is the cost of Bangalore to Kashmir packages?
The 2327 kilometre flight from Bangalore to Kashmir can be completed in about 7 hours by plane, making it the quickest and most convenient mode of transportation. The cost of each flight from Bangalore to Kashmir is roughly INR 7500.
Q2. In what areas does Kashmir excel?
Examples of its natural beauty include its apples, best hospitality, and lovely surroundings. There are several pristine lakes and rivers where one can enjoy boarding and other hobbies.
Q3. What products can we buy duringholiday to Kashmir from Bangalore?
You may get saffron, apples, dry fruits, woollens, art supplies, and more.
Q4. How long should you plan to stay in Kashmir?
It takes a week to truly appreciate this place.