Tour Packages to Kashmir from Amritsar
Are you looking for Kashmir tour packages from Amritsar? There is no need to search further; Kashmir Tour Travel's Kashmir holiday packages from Amritsar are the best option. Kashmir Tour Travel offers a variety of customisable Kashmir travel packages from Amritsar to accommodate all types of tourists. Choose from our tour packages to Kashmir from Amritsar and take advantage of exceptional offers and savings. Kashmir Tour Travel provides you with the ease of booking, paying, and receiving immediate confirmations online.
Travel packages to Kashmir from Amritsar on Kashmir Tour Travel start at only Rs 5999 and may be purchased with or without flights. You will find the ideal travel option here, whether you are looking into family holiday packages to Kashmir from Amritsar, organizing a Kashmir honeymoon, or simply looking for a weekend break to Kashmir from Amritsar with your partner.
Holiday Packages to Kashmir from Amritsar
To further tailor your tour to Kashmir from Amritsar, choose from a large selection of extra tours and activities in and near Kashmir. Kashmir Tour Travel’s Kashmir packages from Amritsar are simply arranged by theme so that you may select the right one. You'll find the ideal holiday to Kashmir from Amritsar with Kashmir Tour Travel, whether you're planning an action-packed holiday, a laid-back trip, a road trip with friends, or a romantic weekend with your significant other.
With the Amritsar to Kashmir tour packages offered by Kashmir Tour Travel, our team is available to you around-the-clock to answer any questions you may have. When you plan your trip with us, you'll receive a variety of sightseeing tours and activities as well as numerous unique experiences.
Amritsar to Kashmir Travel Packages
Kashmir is referred to as "Heaven on Earth" and lives up to that moniker. The valley feels like heaven because of its natural splendor. The valley attracts visitors from all over the world who are enchanted by its beauty.
Kashmir is home to sparkling lakes, gardens from the Mughal era, lush vegetation, and snow-capped mountains. Its lovely surroundings resemble a picture frame.
Therefore, if you intend to travel to Kashmir from Amritsar, you must reserve your trip immediately.
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FAQ’s for Kashmir Travel Packages from Amritsar
Q1. How to Reach travel to Kashmir from Amritsar?
You have three possibilities for how to get from Amritsar to Kashmir. To get to the Kashmir valley, you may take a road trip, a train, or even an aeroplane. You can fly directly to Srinagar from Amritsar. You can expect to arrive at Srinagar International Airport in about an hour. There is no direct flight available from Amritsar to Jammu; but, a one-stop trip would get you there in 4 hours, 40 minutes. There are numerous trains that will take you to Jammu railway station in 5 hours and 15 minutes if you decide to go by train. The final alternative is to travel by car, which would take you about 7 hours and 45 minutes if you use National Highways 44 and 54.
Q2. When to Book a Tour Package to Kashmir from Amritsar?
There is no ideal time to reserve Amritsar to Kashmir tours. Kashmir is a year-round tourist attraction, so you can go there at any time. In Kashmir, the summer, winter, spring, and fall all have their own unique charms. Winters are known for their heavy snowfalls, which cover the entire valley in a blanket of white. The Mughal-sea gardens blossom with vibrantly coloured flowers and luxuriant vegetation during the summer. Kashmir appears to be covered in a carpet of rust and scarlet leaves in the spring and fall.
Q3. What activities are included in Amritsar to Kashmir packages?
Shikara Rides
Horse Riding
Mountain Paragliding
Mountain Biking
White Water River Rafting
Fishing & Angling
Bird Watching
Q4. What must-see locations are included in Amritsar to Kashmir tours?
Jammu City